Welcome to my new doll room!
My archives moved to their new room in 2011.

In June of 2009, we experienced the "Great Doll Purge" in my home. I decided that it was a bit difficult to keep up with 900+ model-dolls who were modeling all the issue outfits, Ideal couture outfits (by year), all of the catalog clothing lines, as well as aftermarket-wear. So I stripped off most of the outfits (except some of my absolute faves), tagged them, bagged them, and boxed them all in 3 plastic tubs. Yes, you read that right-- THREE full sized tubs. I sold about 700 of the dolls. So my collection took quite a reduction in size. My youngest moved out at the age of 23 and so his room was repainted and the dolls moved in. Oh, I still have all of the paperdolls, paper products, catalogs, sewing patterns, pattern outfits, Sew-Simple outfits, MIB dolls, MIP outfits from Ideal, prototypes, playsets, cases, all the lovely artwork and gifts that friends have sent me over the years, and other growing hair dolls (and then some). Actually, I still have everything I had before. I just don't have so many dolls now.

So here they are in their new digs.


"Hello, my name is Jinxie Blu Jones. I am a rare "blue" 6 pound chihuahua and Beth is my mommy. She adopted me from a puppy mill rescue operation in December 2009. I love Beth so much that I follow her everywhere. Welcome to our home!"

(Ms. Jones, my little beloved, passed on in August 2019. I miss her dearly.)

This is the entrance, from the hallway, across from the master bedroom.

My Baby Crissy dolls, safely housed in their original boxes, are inside the niche that I created with black shelving units.

I don't have window treatments as of this writing. I have purchased the groovy template. I just need to make them!

This cabinet houses my foreign issued Crissy family dolls, my Sears marabou gowns on (appropriate) 1969 hair-to-feet dolls, my vintage counter-books from various sewing pattern companies, and my vintage department store catalogs, where I got all of my info about the Crissy catalog clothing lines.

If you look at the top of the black shelf on the left side of this picture, you will see a little "arctic" mermaid made from a Cinnamon doll. Remember her. I mention her later. (c:

Doesn't this painting look like a great big Ed Hardy tattoo? That was what I was shooting for (c:

This is Vacation Crissy's travel trunk! All of her souvenirs are in there, along with her travel journals. Her last journey was on a Disney cruise with other Crissy collectors. So she is currently modeling a stunning outfit made by Linda B, to commemorate the occasion.

Click here to learn about these "never made" 1974 Ideal outfits.

These Simplicity outfits were created for me by Perla Schultz. We miss you so much!! The world lost this lovely soul, this magnificant artist, in 2009.

These outfits were also created by Perla Schultz. The outfit on the left is an exclusive set she made for all of the attendees of one of the Groovy Get-Togethers. It's adorable!

My mermaids. One of them is not shown in this picture. I pointed her out in another picture above.

I laminate extra paper items that I have and adorn my room with them.

Other custom dolls, rerooted and redressed.
The black Crissy has green eyes. So pretty!

Did you notice my silver walls? I'll never paint with that "stuff" again. What a headache!

This was a gift to me by fellow Crissy collectors (sorry about the glare and the "not there" pink spot- thanks digital camera). It is one of entire series of "story-board" like drawings that were created to plan for commercials. I have this one original and lifesize color copies of the others in the group. My friend Cathy S is responsible for pulling this gift together. Some of the drawings "functioned"; for instance, this little girl is tugging on Crissy's 'tail and it actually DOES appear to get longer!

Here is Vacation Crissy in her outfit by Linda B!

My Mexican Crissy dolls, in original outfits.

Some of the other "hair play" dolls in my collection.

Ignore this growing hair "bust" that has not received her spa treatment. I just picked her up recently for a song! No I didn't sing for her, but she was cheap.

Did you note the prototype Pert 'N Pretty doll next to her, made with Crissy molds?? Who is that, you ask? Click on the link and scroll downward.

Yes! Even the closet houses many of my favorite items! Two of the three plastic trunks that hold all of my catalog and aftermarket outfits are in there. All of the later Baby Crissy dolls, other hair play dolls, Hasbro Aimee MIB and her MIP outfits, Mego Candi dolls in their boxes, her outfits and accessories, Pamela by Petite, etc. - all there!

Here are a couple Uneeda Miki growing hair dolls (two on the right). They came in various sizes.

I have some fave outfits. I don't know why I like these. They are kind of frumpy looking with too-long hems. They are made by Totsy, and exclusives to Grants department stores. And yes, all of the dolls have wrist tags for identification purposes. I could never remember all of this!

Left, Totsy for Wards catalog (an exclusive) and right, Premier (an aftermarket doll clothes company).

Ever wonder what happened to the original manuscripts and photos for my book, published in 1998? No? Didn't think so. LOL. Well, above and behind Baby Crissy's head (all of her MIB counterparts are up high on a shelf) is a brown large envelope that holds everything, including the disks. It's a little worse for the wear. It looked great when it was shipped to my publisher. It came back a little "rough" but it has gotten rougher since it came back to me in mid-1998.

And why do we collectors do all of this? Cuz life is short. Never forget that.
It took me 5 days to paint this, December 2010.

This Crissy came to me all the way from Germany! And she is minty-mint. Next to her are my pattern company counter-books. I get all sorts of ideas from them.

My bud Lucy P created these lovely gals! I LOVE them!

I moved My Favorite Lucy P creation to her own location recently! She was modeled after the girl in this "California Pink-A-Pades" (by Max Factor) ad. She's so gorgeous that she needed to be under her "ad."

To answer a question I received not too long ago, yes, I do have a security system at my home. But the collection is not the only reason I have it. I would just die if anything happened to my wonderful little Jinx while I was away from home (c:

Hope you enjoyed our tour! Please know that anytime you are in the Atlanta area, you are invited to stop by for tea, cookies, and a personal opportunity to see (and touch!) the collection. We'd love to have you!

Thank you for "visiting!"

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Page created January 13, 2011.